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Crochet Easter Egg #01 >>> Hackovane Velikonocni Vajicko #01

For Easter I decorated eggs with crochet. Here is one of the eggs.

First I created two pieces (halves) of my decoration. One is slightly smaller because of the shape of an egg. You must have noticed that one end of your egg is rounder and bigger then the other. Then I lined the the halves together and crocheted them together 3/4 way. After I inserted the egg inside I finished the crochet.

Note: In this picture I used plain brown egg so you can see how it looks, however before Easter Sunday, I will cook (hard boil) white eggs and color them different colors (green, yellow, blue, red etc.) and then finish them with prepared crochet designs. When the Easter is over I will take my decorations apart (un-stitch them 3/4 way), store them in my Easter box, and re-use them the year after on new, freshly cooked eggs. You can also use "blown out" egg shells. Or decorate your colored plastic eggs and then you can keep it for years to come. However I prefer the real stuff (eggs) to Chinese produced plastic items.

Here is Step-by-Step:

Smaller half:

1. ch 7, connect into circle
2. 12 sc
3. ch 4, two trtr, ch 4, [skip 2 spaces = into third ch crochet three trtr, ch 4] repeat two more times (total 4)
4. ch 2 +5, dc into trtr, ch 5, [dc into trtr, ch 5] repeat 5 more times (total 8)
5. ch 4 + three trtr tog, ch 5,[ four trtr tog, ch 5], repeat 6 more times (total 8)
6. ch 9 into each trtr - total 8

Bigger half:

1. ch 7, connect into circle
2. 12 sc
3. ch 4, three trtr, ch 4, [skip 2 spaces = into third ch crochet four trtr, ch 4] repeat two more times (total 4)
4. ch 2 +5, dc into trtr, ch 5, [dc into trtr, ch 5] repeat 5 more times (total 8)
5. ch 4 + three trtr tog, ch 5,[ four trtr tog, ch 5], repeat 6 more times (total 8)
6. ch 10 into each trtr - total 8

Then you line up both halves and crochet them together. That means slip stitch in first half circle, then ch 6, then slip stitch second half circle, ch 6 - repeat 4 more times. Leave two open for the mean time so you can insert the egg. With the egg inside finish crocheting the other two half circles. Clean up the ends.

K Velikonocum jsem obhackovala nekolik vajicek. Zde je jedno z nich.

Uhackovala jsem dve casti, pricemze jedna je mensi nez druha z nam velmi znamych duvodu, ze kazde vajicko je samozrejme kulatejsi a vetsi na jednom konci nez na druhem. Tyto dve casti jsem pozdeji spojila dohromady ze tri ctvrtin. Otvorem jsem potom nasoukala vajicko dovnitr a dohackovala otvor.

Poznamka: V tomto blogu jsem pouzila obycejne hnede vajicko. O Velikonocich vsak uvarim bile vajicka a nabarvim je ruznymi barvami (zelenou, zlutou, modrou nebo cervenou apod.) a pote je dokoncim s pripravenymi ukackovanymi navrhy. Po Velikonocich lze uhackovany design sundat a uschovat na dalsi rok.